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Historical novels from the 2nd für das 21st century


Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2015

Codex Regius books: Gained in translation - the curious fate of gender...

Codex Regius books: Gained in translation - the curious fate of genderless novel characters:

"I looked up from the fire and turned to my neighbour to the right.
'Have you heard anything new about the advance of the orc-host?'

I was rewarded with a nod. 'From what I've heard they have been stopped about 15 leagues from the River.'"

I often wonder how you native English readers manage to handle a scene
as awkward as this one. It is annoying when you read it but it is a
nightmare when you have to translate it - and I have seen examples like
this in my translating profession.
Now you may ask what it is that I find so awkward about the example above. Well, ...

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