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Historical novels from the 2nd für das 21st century


Mittwoch, 29. April 2015

A map of the Middle Rhine in the Roman Age

This map which I have created myself covers the broader area in which the main parts of the six-volume "Romanike" series are set, centering on the modern territory of Mainz-Wiesbaden-Frankfurt at the Middle Rhine and Lower Main: a territory that has been little explored by historical novelists so far.

The time, the early 10th century A.V.C. (ab Urbe Condita) or mid 2nd century A.D., corresponds to the period of outward peace between the vanquishing of the second Jewish Uprising and the outbreak of the Marcomannic Wars when it is just becoming visible for those who have eyes to see how the Romanike - the Roman Empire - has begun to rot in her core. Right through the map runs the upper Germanic Limes , the fortified border between the Roman Empire and the Barbaricum that has never been contested - so far.

Most names on the map are archaeologically attested except for Castellum Taunensium, Mount Dounobriga and Cirmacium that I have made up because it is not known what these places were called by the Romans.

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