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Historical novels from the 2nd für das 21st century


Donnerstag, 30. April 2015

Commagene: The Realm that Is No More

Another map I have created for the "Romanike" series, this time historically accurate, without any added fictional names. We see the territory of the lost kingdom of Commagene that few people have ever heard of these days though its royal house has produced world-famous artifacts: the Hierotherion on the top of #Nemrud #Dagh, a mountain in eastern Turkey, the #Philopappus #Monument in #Athens and the cults of #Mithras and #Jupiter #Dolichenus. Its ancient royal capital, #Samosata, also produced a classic author: the satirist #Lucian.

In our novels, the kingdom has fallen and been absorbed by the Roman Empire in which it constitutes just a far-away district of a far-away province. But its power lives on, hidden, though not vanquished. And in a time of crisis, when Rome is facing a major war with the Parthian kingdom in the east, the Realm that Is No More raises its head again to reclaim the power it has once had - over the Imperial throne.

The entire series is available on paper or digitally here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Romanike  
And more background information is available on our blog: http://www.corpus-sacrum.de

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