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Historical novels from the 2nd für das 21st century


Freitag, 8. Mai 2015

T. Caesernius Statianus, friend of emperor Hadrian

This man is T. Caesernius Statianus, of the House of Caesernii from Aquileia, northern Italy. He belonged to the closer circle of emperor Hadrianus and most likely to his entourage on the emperor's travels. In 150 A.D., under Antoninus Pius, Statianus was provincial governor in Mogontiacum, a few kilometres from my native place.

In the company of emperor Hadrianus, Caesernius Statianus must also have been acquainted with Princess Iulia Balbilla of Commagene, a close friend of empress Sabina, who left several poetic graffiti in Egypt. This acquaintance is an important plot element in our historical novel series where both get involved in the death of Hadrian's favourite, Antinous. Later, during his time as governor in Mogontiacum, he is looking in vain for the last surviving sibling of the Antikythera Mechanism that for good reasons he is suspecting very close nearby.

A lesser branch of the Caesernii dwelt in Colonia Iulia Emona, modern Ljubljana, which is attested by several gravestones. For the purposes of our narrative, we have assumed that the unidentified golden statue presented earlier, known as the Emonian, depicts a member of the Caesernii of Emona.

The bust of T. Caesernius Statianus is on display in the Glyptothek in Munich, Germany.

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